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Preparedness Resources

Save essential contacts in your phone so you can reach help swiftly in cases of distress. Click above for more information.

If you or someone close to you has access or functional needs, there are additional steps you can take to better prepare for an emergency that addresses the specific health and safety needs of you and your family. Click above for more information.

UMass Amherst recommends that every student, faculty, and staff member develop personal communication plans. You may not be able to communicate with others when an emergency occurs, so it’s important to know how you’ll reconnect if separated. Click above for more information.

Since you do not know where you will be when an emergency occurs, you should prepare supplies for home, work, and cars. Click above for more information.

Winter and summer seasons can be hazardous for you and for your vehicle due to factors such as snow, ice, and extreme heat. Ensuring you're a little extra prepared before the seasons start can go a long way in protecting your car, yourself, and your loved ones. Click above for more information.

Technology has made it easier than ever to prepare for emergencies, but it can be unreliable in an emergency if your gadgets are not protected and powered up. It’s important to be tech ready in cases of emergency. Click above for more information.